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Key rules before hiring in France

Pre-employment declaration (DPAE = Déclaration Préalable à l’embauche) Non-EU candidate Two main types of contract The main rules applicable to a French employment contract Working times Top executive’s ...

The organization of general meeting at the time of Covid-19: prorogation and clarification of the applicable legal regime

Although the exceptional and derogatory regime resulting from the Ordonnance n°2020-321 of March 25, 2020 had come to determine the new rules applicable to the general meetings of shareholders convened and held...

Brexit and ongoing insurance contracts

British insurers operating on the French territory pursuant to their European passport will their on-going insurance or reinsurance contracts being prevented from being extended or renewed. The combined in...

Clause under a contract and significant imbalance in the parties’ rights

According to French commercial law, a contractual term or clause under a contract entered into between professionals or businesses may be annulled by the court if it causes a significant imbalance in the p...

EU Regulation 2019/1150 « Platform to business »: the European Commission publishes guidelines

The EU Regulation 2019/1150 “Platform to business” imposes minimum obligations concerning pre-contractual information, the terms of termination or suspension of intermediation services, and transparenc...