Liability of de facto directors vs de jure directors: a very fine line
What are the elements characterizing the de facto direction?
In a recent ruling, the French Court of Cassation once again recalled the main principles applicable in this area (Com. 2 June 2021, n°20-13.735).
The Ultimate Beneficial Owner register is now available online for free!
How to access the register?
What type of information can you get?
Since its introduction by the Ordonnance n°2016-1635, of December 1, 2020, the register of ultimate beneficial owners of legal entities whose ...
Shareholders’ Meeting Requirements: further Extension of Ordinance No. 2020-321 to July 31, 2021
Measures adapting Shareholders' Meeting Requirements to adress the Covid-19 pandemic are extended
Ordinance n° 2020-321 of March 25, 2020, issued in application of article 11 of Law n° 2020-290 of March 23, 20...
Key steps to create your own company in France
Choose the main characteristics of your company
Prepare legal documentation
Deposit of the share capital
Signature of the company's incorporation documents
Carry out the compulsory formalities
Filing of the reg...
Registration of electronically signed documents
Since 1 January 2021, companies have been able to register electronically signed private deeds with the competent registration services, with the exception of unilateral promises of sale mentioned in Artic...
The organization of general meeting at the time of Covid-19: prorogation and clarification of the applicable legal regime
Although the exceptional and derogatory regime resulting from the Ordonnance n°2020-321 of March 25, 2020 had come to determine the new rules applicable to the general meetings of shareholders convened and held...