Registration of electronically signed documents
Since 1 January 2021, companies have been able to register electronically signed private deeds with the competent registration services, with the exception of unilateral promises of sale mentioned in Artic...

Borrower’s insurance : duty of advice and time limit
In France, the barrower’s action against the bank who advised him, in compensation for the loss of the chance to purchase a more adequate insurance cover becomes time barred after five years within the d...

Breach of contract and contract lapse
A breach of contract by a party is not a contract lapse
Court of Appeal of Versailles, France, 12th chamber, 24 September 2020, no. 19/03654
Article 1186 of the French Civil Code provides that a validly fo...

The action for nullity for fraud and the obligation to provide information and advice
The action for nullity for fraud does not exclude the possibility of acting for breach of an obligation to provide information and advice.
Cour de cassation, 3rd Chamber, 14 January 2021, #19-24.881
In thi...

Brexit: British residents can no longer register a .fr domain name
On January 26, 2021, AFNIC, the association responsible for managing .fr domain names, recalled the consequences of Brexit on eligibility for a .fr domain name.
Since the entry into force of Brexit, individuals ...