Could the guarantee « operating loss » be activated ?
How do you activate the “operating loss” guarantee?
Reminders / Questions
Observation : the current health crisis is causing a very sharp drop...
Late notification of loss and lapse of coverage
Under French law, clauses providing for the lapse of coverage due to the late notification of the loss cannot be opposed to the insureds if they don’t comply with Article L. 113-2 4° of the French Insur...
Borrower’s insurance : duty of advice and time limit
In France, the barrower’s action against the bank who advised him, in compensation for the loss of the chance to purchase a more adequate insurance cover becomes time barred after five years within the d...
Brexit and ongoing insurance contracts
British insurers operating on the French territory pursuant to their European passport will their on-going insurance or reinsurance contracts being prevented from being extended or renewed.
The combined in...